I wanted to create this book, This space to make available to my friends or anyone entering the site of ROSEA.
I would like to receive your greeting, know if ROSEA is to your liking, sapere da quale Nazione del mondo state scrivendo e un vostro indirizzo di posta elettronica per potervi eventualmente contattare.
I sincerely thank those who will donate a little’ of his time by writing a few words about this book, our book, un NUOVO LIBRO da infinite candide pagine di vita da scrivere con tutte le mani del mondo, OUR HANDS. –
Rosalba SELLA
Please leave a message … (CLICCATE SOPRA NUOVO MESSAGGIO)
77 entries.
A warm greeting from Garlenda (SV)
A salute to Rosalba for his commitment to bring forward his project.
Clever and ingenious ....
Thanks Rosalba you appreciate my evolutionary thought on the changing world.
Thank you for choosing me as a friend of Rosea.
Franco Marmello
A greeting and thanks to Rosalba for his commitment to this wonderful project.. Which I support in its entirety.. An honor to have you "known".I hope soon in person..
I appreciate and agree with the philosophy of ROSY and am happy to partner with ROSY, to the best of my ability.
Esprimo la mia ammirazione per l'abilità mentale, creative and organizational skills of the President Mrs Rosalba ROSEA riding which one cannot but praise for its initiative to unify the Nations of the world, popularization of culture, love of Justice and legality.
Greetings to all "ROSY'S FRIENDS"
Andrea Bove'
I appreciate you approve the philosophy of ROSEA - Happy to partner with you to ROSY providing my activities in the world and personal abilities.
- I want to do my warmest and sincere congratulations to the founder and President of ROSEA, Rosalba Sella per aver creato una nuova e unica iniziativa che coinvolge e unisce l'intero mondo e fa dialogare i popoli.
Congratulations dear Rosalba to your intellect.
- I extend greetings to all "ROSY'S FRIENDS IN THE WORLD"
A strong Fraternal greetings to my dear sister and Soror Rosalba and all distinguished members from Mexico WAO.
I'm glad to partner with Rosy. a hug.
I agree in almost all his posts and links.
Honored do meet in virtual and I hope I can meet you in person . Thank you and good evening,.
Rosalba I haven't finished exploring your super site one word thanks you are great!!!!!!!!!!! And I fully agree with your ideals
After meeting today in Milan, as promised I send you greetings from Bolzano ^ __ ^
Greetings from Verona
condivido gli ideali e gli intenti e gli alti valori mi unisco perchè sono anche i miei
Condivido le iniziative di R.O.S.E.A e mi unisco con dovere
Grazie Rosalba per avermi dato la possibilità di unirmi a voi e ti faccio i complimenti per le tue iniziative che condivido a pieno. Massimo Coloru
It is wonderful to know you. You can know more about me on Google.
My warmest compliments and congratulations for the noble initiatives of which you get involved ...!!!
My warmest compliments and congratulations for the noble initiatives of which you get involved ...!!!
Dearest Rosalba shareable and full of truth that many are afraid to spread
Distinguished Friend, I am proud of his friendship and I agree on all the topics that you have posted and have read. Thank you very much.